Some went willingly, eager to test their mettle against the unforgiving nature of the seas. Others were lost and had nowhere to run but away. All who left and ventured into the deep came back changed. Changed not only by the wind and the waves, the darkness and crushing pressures of the depths, but changed by the bonds they formed with the men and women that surrounded them on their quest. Forged by the sea and those who voyaged with them. Each soul on a journey unto its own but dependant upon one another, not just to survive, but to thrive. Not all who ventured out came back, but those who did returned anew.

A new soul emerged, one Born from the Sea. 

These are the men and women who serve our nation. They follow in a long line of mariners who have chosen a life at sea and carry on the traditions of the seafarers who first set out on the open ocean centuries ago, seeking to tame the seas as well as subdue their own beasts within. Relentlessly pursuing their dreams and advancing in spite of whatever odds might be stacked against them.

Ghost Fleet was founded in 2019 seeking to uphold these same values and traditions. To honor the sailors and submariners of the past and support those still preserving our freedoms on the high seas.

Ghost Fleet donates a portion of each sale to Navy affiliated non-profits that support our service members and their families who choose a life at sea.